Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Color Fight: a DIY

Several weeks ago we did a Color Fight at CYM.  Since then I've gotten quite a few people ask me what we did, how much it cost, etc.  When they found out how easy it was and how little it cost, they got pretty excited and began planning one for their ministry or event. So, in the name of "sharing and sharing alike" I thought I would post this blog about what we did and what work/did not work.  

Leading up to the Color Fight. 

For those who don't know, a Color Fight is simply throwing color powder on each other.  
Our Color Fight was inspired by all of those 5k color-type runs that are so popular.  But we didn't want to deal with the hassle of having to run a 5k. 
In the weeks leading up to our Color Fight we launched team competitions among the students of CYM, thus making the Color Fight the pinnacle of a 6 week push.  
We were going to call the competitions, Tribe Wars, which is a popular branding nowadays...however, living in OKC we decided to stay away from the "tribe" phrasing.  If you've never done a Team Competition, it can be either amazing for your ministry, or it can be very lame and very bad for your ministry.  As far as the logistics of a Team Competition, that's a matter for another blog.  But what I will say is that Team Competitions rises and falls on the team captain.  

The Prep Work

I did a lot of initial internet research on purchasing some color powder.  What I found was that color powder is expensive.  Even the cheapest stuff I found had to be shipped from overseas with high shipping charges.  So, we set out to try to make some of our own powder.  Here's what we did:

1) Researched and found some Color Tempura Paint Powder on Amazon.  I looked for it at various craft stores and could not find any.  So just resign yourself to getting it online.  The powder normally comes in 1 lb. jars.  

2) The next thing we did was buy a bunch of flour.  We got it in 5lb. bags from Walmart. 

3) We mixed in the Tempura Paint Powder with the flour in plastic tubs.  We found that 1 jar of paint powder could mix well with 2 bags of flour.  Now, that's as diluted as you want your paint powder.  You may actually want to mix the powder a little stronger, as to get a richer color. 

4) We put scoops of the powder in small 2 oz. ziplock snack bags.  This allows the fight to last a little bit longer.  Do not set the powder out in the tubs for your fight!  If you do, someone will pick up the whole tub and try to dump it on someone, thus making your fight last all of 30 seconds. 

5) If you want to make the fight last even longer you can buy women's pantyhose and make powder balls by cutting off the legs, putting a soop down the leg, tying a knot right above the powder, tying a second knot, then cutting in between the knots.  Each leg will yield about 6-7 powder balls. 

How much was used. 

We used 1 case of 12 Tempura Paint Powder Jars  and about 120 lbs. of flour.  This was enough for 130 participants.  


All in all we spent almost $100...Which is pretty good considering it factors out to less than a dollar per participant. 

The Night of the Color Fight 

1) We encouraged all students to wear white that night.  We also encourage students to wear goggles.  

2) As you've probably thought by now, a Color Fight is only going to last your group 15-20 minutes max.  In our planning, we realized we need another game to help fill up time.  So we came up with paint tag.  
     - We split our group into teams (which was easy because of the Team Competitions)
     - We bought craft paint in large tubes
     - We had each player put paint on their hands
     - Each member tried to tag members of the other team during the game
     - At the end of 5 minutes, each team counted up the hand prints on their team members
     - The team with the fewest marks, won
This game ended up being as much of a hit as the Color Fight.  

3) For the Color Fight we placed the boxes of Color Powder at various locations on our property, turned on some music, and let the students get after it.  

Wrap Up

This event was a big win for us and a boost going into summer.  I highly recommend you trying a Color Fight of your own.  If you have any additional questions, leave me a comment and I'll respond. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Well, this is torture-ific!

Every one gets old.  Trust me on this one!  I've spent 32 years trying to avoid this very thing.  Don't get me wrong, I never get hung up on the numbers.  However, occasionally something happens that reminds you that you are getting older; needing to take a certain medication, ending your New Year's festivities BEFORE Dick Clark's Countdown begins...knowing who Dick Clark even is.  I recceived another reminder that I'm getting older today.  I had my first root canal.

Root Canals are unpleasant.  I know this fact.  I knew this fact as I pulled into the parking lot of the dentist's office.  However, nothing could prepare me for the horror that is the modern root canal.  If you are a dentist, know a dentist, or are related to one please don't take any disrespect.  My beef is not with you-just the sadistic tools you use.  

So, I arrive at my dental destination, on time, and I am shown to my chair.  After a few dozen 2ft. long needles skewer my mouth and come out my ears.  The dentist then proceeds to crack my head open like a giant Pez dispenser and goes to work.  Sparks are flying and smoke is billowing from my mouth.  I only got really concerned when the dentist fired up the chainsaw.  At one point I think they tried to set an office record by seeing how many hands they could cram into my mouth...Quick update, they set the record!  It was then that the thought hit me.  "This feels more like medieval torture than dentistry."  I expected to look up to see a monocled-German interrogator standing over me saying, "Vhere are za plans?"  And here's what's worse; I'm paying for this.  I'm paying GOOD money for this!  How does that happen!  If someone walked up to me in the parking lot of Lowe's and asked, "Can I take this drill I just bought and use it on your teeth?" I'd press charges.  But, put that man in a pair of scrubs and I'm like, "Sure!  In fact let me pay you for this experience!"  Where does that get fun?

Maybe I had a true moment of clarity regarding the short comings of the modern medical industry, or maybe it's just the hydro-condone, but I don't plan on going to the dentist for a while.....

Oh wait, I have another appointment in four weeks!  Ugh, nevermind.